Kyle: Are you watching that (sitcom) again? It’s so stupid. There’s nothing (witty) or original about the humor.
Paulina: I don’t need (highbrow) jokes. I enjoy all kinds of (comedy).
Kyle: You mean you like screwball and slapstick humor.
Paulina: Yes, so?
Kyle: So? It’s so (juvenile).
Paulina: I know that it’s hard for people like you who like (satire) to appreciate the more wacky kinds of humor, but you might try getting off your high (horse) once in a while.
Kyle: I’m not snooty. I’m just (discriminating). I like comedians with a dry sense of humor like that self-deprecating guy on that show I watch.
Paulina: That show is a snoozefest. That guy (bores) me to death.
Kyle: And this show does it for you?
Paulina: You bet.
Kyle: There’s no (accounting) for taste!