(1) live life to the full - to enjoy doing a lot of different things 生活过的充实 She believes in living life to the full. (2) tough - physically or emotionally strong and able to deal with difficult situations 坚强的;坚韧的 she's a tough cookie. She is very determined to do what she wants. (3) rough - using force, anger, or violence 粗鲁;粗暴 Don't be too rough - she's only little. (4) rise above something - if someone rises above a bad situation or bad influences, they do not let these things affect them because they are mentally strong or have strong moral principles 意志坚定地超越某种困境 You expect a certain amount of criticism, but you have to rise above it. (5) lead - to influence someone to make them do something wrong 摆布;教唆 He's not a bad boy. He's just easily led (=it is easy for other people to persuade him to do things that he should not do). (6) show - when you pretend to do or feel something 假装 Susan put on a show of regret all day.