欢迎来到易说堂语音纠音小诊所,welcome to e-say English pronunciation clinic.
The pronunciation between /r/ 和/l/ 有些英语学习者呢,会经常把”road”发成“load”.发/r/时的问题就是舌头收不到位。
发/l/ 没有什么问题, 只要将舌头放到上牙龈上,再向下轻拨,发音就行了。发/r /就难些了。口应该稍微张开,舌前部上卷,但不能碰到口腔的上部,舌后部放松,然后发音。注意,发这个音时,一定要卷舌。
Say following sentences loud to practice the sounds [r] [l] :
Ricky arrived at the rock at three o’clock. Rock and roll music is very good. The rain wets the red ribbon. Billy likes to lift a little doll and pencil The lilies beside the lake glow in the moon night. The article is a load of rubbish.
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧,大家要经常练习哦~~