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 号称“HP系列第8本”的舞台剧本《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》(Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)今夏上市,新书也是热销得不要不要的~ 更有歪果网友扒出了剧本里的台词,真是real催泪呢~






(↑是的,为纪念老校长Albus Dumbledore,用了他的名字)


"So what would you like me to do? Magic myself popular? Conjure myself into a new house? Transfigure myself into a better student? Just cast a spell, Dad, and change me into what you want me to be, okay? It'll work better for both of us."





"You — the three of you — you shone you know? You liked each other. You had fun. I envied you those friendships more than anything else."

“你们——你们三个——太刺眼了,你们知道吗?你们彼此喜欢, 在一起很快乐, 我妒忌这样的友情胜过一切。”



"... And being alone — that's so hard. I was alone. And it sent me to a truly dark place. For a long time. Tom Riddle was also a lonely child. You may not understand that, Harry, but I do ..."

“……孤独——真的好难熬。 我孤独过,它把我置于真正的黑暗之地。很长一段时间里,汤姆里德尔也是个孤独的孩子。这你可能不会明白,哈利,但是我懂……”




"Harry, there is never a perfect answer in this messy, emotional world. Perfection is beyond the reach of humankind, beyond the reach of magic. In every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again. Be honest to those you love, show your pain. To suffer is as human as to breathe."

“哈利,在这个错综复杂的情感世界中是找不到完美答案的,完美是世人触不可及的,它也超越了魔法。每个幸福闪耀的时刻里都有一滴毒药:我们知道痛苦还会降临。所以你要对你爱的人坦诚,让他们知晓你的痛楚。经受痛苦就如同人要呼吸一样。 ”

(老校长,请收下咱的学费~~ )



"The Boy Who Lived. How many people have to die for the Boy Who Lived?"


(果然信息量好大…… 掰手指算算后台备了多少盒饭)
 小宇宙爆发了~ 怎样才能让歪果仁明白你用了洪荒之力?     没法在一起愉快地玩耍了,Ta就是来挑事儿哒~