什么样的business,能算得上是猢狲把戏?This means causing problems or getting into trouble. 中文可理解为“胡闹”、“恶作剧”。
例:Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room.
Monkey around
这里的monkey是动词,歪果仁用它来比喻to waste time or procrastinate by doing something unproductive or unhelpful; to fool around or spend time idly, 意为“闲混,捣蛋”,是不是很形象呢?
例:Would you quit monkeying around and give me a hand cleaning the house?
I should have started this essay last week, but I've been monkeying around with my new video game console.
Have a monkey on your back
例:It was like having a monkey on your back that you just can't get rid of.
Monkey see, monkey do
Monkey see, monkey do is a pidgin-style saying that appeared in American culture in the early 1920s. The saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it works. Another definition implies the act of mimicry, usually with limited knowledge or concern of the consequences.
Monkey see, monkey do意思是“有样学样”。源于西非马里的民间故事。一个商人把所有的帽子都摞在头上去街上卖帽子,中午他坐在树下打盹,醒来后却发现头上的帽子被一群猴子偷走了,只剩下自己的那一顶。不管商人怎么叫骂,猴子都只是在树上静静地模仿他。气急之下,商人把自己的帽子摔在地上,猴子也跟着模仿,把帽子扔到了商人的脚边。
例:I don’t let my children watch TV programs that show kids being disrespectful to their elders. I know what would happen if I did: monkey see, monkey do.
Monkey’s uncle
The term monkey’s uncle, most notably seen in the idiom “(well) I’ll be a monkey’s uncle”, is used to express complete surprise, amazement or disbelief. It was originally a sarcastic remark made by Creationists. The notion “that people were descended from apes was considered blasphemous...by Darwin’s contemporaries”, and it was for this reason that the sarcastic phrase came into use.
这种说法与达尔文的进化论有关。1859年,达尔文出版《物种起源》,书中提到人和猴子出自共同的祖先。这一说法让人们惊讶不已,尤其是神创论者。于是,有人惊讶地说,“Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!”后来,这种说法就成了人们表达惊讶的一种方式。
例:Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. I never thought Bill would remarry.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys
你也许会问,一群猴子在一起上蹿下跳一刻都不消停,不闹心么?其实这只是一种夸张的说法,歪果仁用它来形容“to be very funny or enjoyable”, 表示一件事非常有趣。类似的表达还有as much fun as a barrel of monkeys.
例:The circus was more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Roger always makes me laugh! He is as much fun as a barrel of monkeys.
Cheeky monkey
字面意思是“顽皮的猴子”,其引申义为a silly, impudent, or mischievous person。 Usually said as a mild, playful rebuke, 相当于我们口语中常说的“淘气包,熊孩子”。
例:You ate all the cookies, you cheeky monkey!
Make a monkey (out ) of someone
这个词的字面意思是把某人变成猴子,但如果你以为这是人类要返祖了,那童鞋你可真是想多了~其实,这个词的实际意义是“把某人当猴耍,让某人出洋相”。类似的英文表达还有 make a fool (out) of someone.
例:John made a monkey out of himself while trying to make a fool out of Jim.