[原因1] 语法通过语言沟通可间接地学会 如果我们在英语会话时练习以下的表达:'I got my eyes tested at the optician's yesterday.(我昨天在眼镜店,查了我的视力。)'这时一个句子中已包含了很多的语法规则。以这样的形式慢慢接触英语表达,可自然掌握语法的规则。现在风靡世界的语言沟通中心对语法知识的教学也是依据以上的观点。 Learners do not need to be taught grammar before they can communicate but will acquire it naturally as part of the process of learning to communicate. (学习者并不需要在他们学会交流之前学习语法,他们将在学习交流的过程中将语法作为学习的一部分自然地掌握。)
If we force too much grammar focus on beginning level learners, we run the risk of blocking their acquisition of fluency skills. - Richard-Amato (如果我们对初级水平的学习者过分强调语法,我们就会有抑制他们表达流畅性的风险.)
[原因4] 语法是最后才学会的。 首先我们要避开错误的传统观念“语言学习会按所学习的顺序吸收”。专家认为,无论怎样努力的教语法,语法还是最后才能掌握的。最好的例子是,在小孩子和初级的学生学会语法后,在实际会话中是不怎么运用的。 试分析下列专家们的主张。 Grammatical accuracy is a late acquired skill - whatever the teacher's supposed priorities. - Michael Lewis (语法的准确性,无论教师如何优先重视,始终是最后才能掌握的技能。) Most teachers of young learners avoid grammar teaching because experience has shown that it has little effect. - Richard-Amato 1996 (大部分从事少儿教育的教师避免教语法,是由于经验证明这是徒劳的。)
- Source from korea famous English advisor Lee, Chan-seung -