Before learning: Time and again I mentioned to you how nervous you were when we were just starting your class. A simple sentence will take forever to finish. Lots of ahh and mmm (fillers) especially when we made the drill of making your own sentence. But that was way beyond ancient history. I guess it should be me who should be nervous because I think you are getting better and better everyday. After learning: Why am I not surprise learning that you bagged again the best student award for the second time in as many opportunities? It is because I know that you deserve it more than anyone else. I can see that before your program will be finish you will have another Best Student award in the offing. But all of these are just recognition from E-say and from me; it is still in your heart where you should find the true meaning of improvement. Keep on striving harder and never be contented with what you have now. Remember that learning is a never ending process. You might end your program with me sooner or later but your studies should continue beyond the four corners of E-say.
学英语是我的个人爱好,也是工作与生活之需要。 在学习易说堂已经大半年了。感觉效果显著。课前适当的的词汇和句型的准备,课中注意力高度集中,课后抽空听听课程录音。这样的方式对学习有很大的帮助。 外教老师Justine热情而幽默的授课风格让我对每次课程都充满着期待。特别是在发音和听说方面都受益匪浅。以前自以为发音和词汇量不错,可一到张口说,就总是词汇短路,句型抓瞎。每每此时Justine老师总是能给予鼓励,并在教材的基础上扩充更丰富的英文内容给我,让我提高甚多!在此向Justine老师以及随时给我提供服务支持的Nana老师至以深深谢意!
You are a very diligent and hardworking student. I am so proud of what you have achieved in our class. The good thing about you is your dedication in your studies especially when you tried to squeeze in my very busy schedule just to have a class with me in the evening. I believe you are getting to where you want to be. Since we are still having your class, we will continue to focus on neutralizing your accent and helping you with the more complex rules in grammar. ---Justine