Before learning: Jessie was very interested in our class. She did her best to cope up on the conversation though she had hard time in expressing herself and constructing the sentences. She had a good attitude towards the class and showed a good potential to learn more. Good job! After learning: Jessie had a good interaction. She was very active and participative. Though there are some important sounds she has to improve on her pronunciation, she made the class well. Her grammar skill is enough to go through a conversation though there are fillers and repetition happened. On the top, she performed well and made a good impression. Keep it up!
学员妈妈的心声: “英语和汉语就像你的两条腿,将来要想行走世界,这两条腿缺一不可。”这是我从小就给孩子灌输的理念.不要怕说错,大胆张口,加强预习和复习,利用好课余时间,反复听上课录音,只要勇敢的说出来,就成功了一半。 选择易说堂,就是为了给孩子提供一个每天都能开口说英语的机会,现在看,效果还不错。
You can express ideas effectively and shown improvement in listening habits.Keep up the good work and be positive. Just study well and follow teachers’ advice. ---Louis