Before learning: I remember the first time when we had our class, you seemed like a little bit nervous, a little timid as well I think. And you just gave me some short answers to the questions that I asked. But you left me a very good impression that you were a very good boy who was eager to learn. And it turns it to be right, cause I know that you're a really great child. After learning: But after a week, you talked with me more naturally, you did make mistakes when you were speaking with me in English, And I always corrected your mistakes after your speech. More importantly, you didn't look nervous, and afraid anymore. And now you can read faster than before, you make less mistakes while you're speaking, and you are always happy and easy to know what I say. Congratulations!!!
自从在这里学习,我的英语学习兴趣在逐步的提高,由以前的胆怯到目前主动的积极上课,在心理方面转变很大。刚开始上课不敢说,目前上课积极配合老师,主动开口说。为了考试,也为了自己以后能有一口流利的英语跟外国人表达,我要把它英语好。 在易说堂学习,听题,答题,不跑题是我的学习方法,并在生活中随时运用所学到的知识,随着学习的深入,会结合自己的实际情况找到学习的技巧。学习方法都是需要自己不断的去总结和摸索的。 这段时间,我的听说的能力有很大的进步,在以前上课时,有些听不懂,也不会说,渐渐地能听懂了。在自己学校的英语课上,能较轻松的完成老师给的任务。希望其他学员们能够把英语学好,努力坚持吧!
There are many ways to improve your level of English: (1) One way to improve pronunciation is to simply listen to people speaking English. This will help you hear the ways words are spoken. Then, you can compare how you say them and learn from that. While doing this, it is important to take into account that some places, English is spoken with an accent that varies from region to region, but it is still very helpful to listen to people talking. (2) Listening to good spoken English at your level of understanding will improve all aspects of your speaking, since we normally learn our first language by first listening and hearing it spoken by others. If you can understand English-language radio and television, then listen to news and documentary programs, whose presenters tend to speak well. For easier work, practice listening to English instructional CDs or computer software, at home or at a school language lab. You can also find English-language radio, TV and instructional materials on the Internet. (3) You need to actually say English words aloud to improve your pronunciation. Practice reading aloud in English, or repeating after instructional software or audio recordings, every day. Record your pronunciation at home or in a school language lab, and compare yourself to native speakers. Ask someone who speaks English well for additional correction. (4) You can improve your English vocabulary by reading every day in English. Plan to spend at least a half hour each day reading material that you find interesting and a bit challenging. Write new words on note cards or in a notebook and study them. Then make an effort to use them correctly the next time you speak English.