Before learning: I was pleased that i was chosen to teach Maple as her Foreign Language Teacher. I have analyzed on our first class that she had a lot of difficiencies or difficulties in English language. During the class, she committed a lot of grammatical flaws such as inappropriate tenses, misused of adverb, adjective and subject verb agreement cases. In the same vein, she mispronounced most of the unfamiliar words especially in its proper usage or use in sentences. I have also observed that she was hesitant to express her ideas and because of that she seldom engaged herself in the discussion. They were many aspects that she needed to focus more not only the English language but also herself confidence. After learning : After several months of studies, I have observed that she had a lot of progress in my class. I was really astounded about her performance. I couldn't believe at first, that she managed to improved her English skills. Every class that we have is really productive. And the way,she responded my question is really good. She became more expressive, receptive, inquistive and advertent in my class. I also analyzed that she never losses her focus in class. As her mentor, I am really proud of her.
走向世界,学习更多知识,是我学习英语的目的。 在易说堂学习还是不错的,通过与老师交流,口语水平有所提高,希望有一天可以像讲中文一样流畅自如。在学习方法上,我只相信日积月累,水滴石穿,一切都靠坚持与努力。电话英语上课是一种很好的学习方式,适当的抽一些空暇时间来上课,不知不觉中英语水平就提高了。
As you continue your studies, you will be facing a hurdle or a challenge especially in higher level of learning. I am certain that you can do it. You have proved to me that you are dedicated and exceptional student. We all know that learning is never ending so i would advise you to utilize your skills and don't be afraid or ashamed to commit any mistakes. We learn from mistakes, it serves as a good lesson for every learner. Keep on learning English.