Before learning: 刚开始接触这个学员觉得她很被动,我问一句她回答一句,她的词汇量比较弱,只知道简单的颜色词汇和动物词汇等,很害羞不敢说英语,害怕自己说错,有的时候我说英语她听不懂就更排斥了。发音不够准确,有时候经常会自己编单词的发音。 After learning: 我现在会比刚开始提高要求,全英文和她上课。因为一旦放松要求可能未来会跟不上外教老师很麻烦,甚至打击她对英语的兴趣。我会教给学员由难到易的学习方法,也就是说用简单单词去解释她想要表达的难的单词和表达,做到简单明了。现在她已经完全用所学的简单的单词和句子去表达她的想法了,这是一个好的开始.
Two suggestion for your speaking. One is that don’t be blocked by the words you don’t know. Searching the words and expression you know to bring out your idea. During this process you’re practicing the language. This is a good way you use your language and also the way you should communicate with your teacher. It is better to ask in Chinese, right? Here I give you one example, if I don’t remember the word “island”, I may express like that: a piece of land rounding by water. Another is that you need to pay more attention in revision. It’s hard to master all language point just in class. But if you keep on doing the revision everyday, your rememberence of the knowledge will be more tightly.---linda