通过在易说堂的学习,我感觉自己每天都在进步。这里的每一个外教都是那么棒!Manny 老师风趣幽默,Sara老师热情坦率,Chris 老师彬彬有礼……还有我每天电话课的Lance 老师,他总是耐心细致地倾听我的英语表述,及时纠正我的语法错误,不断地给予我赞扬和鼓励。我们时常谈及各自的理想,人生,家庭,朋友,我感觉到我们不仅是师生,还更像是好朋友。一年的时间飞快流逝,快要到说别离的时刻了,我是多么的不舍,在这里我要感谢易说堂各位尽职尽责的老师们,还有不厌其烦地为我解答疑难的双语辅导老师Grace 小姐,正是你们的帮助,使我取得了满意的进步,谢谢你们!
I commend you, for your further improvements in my class. I've always admire your enthusiastic and positive approach in our lesson. Our class is always enjoyable and interactive because you really like to impart and share your knowledge in our daily topic as well as in our class proper. My evaluation to your performance is written below. Keep it up!
You've shown a terrific performance in our daily class especially in our class lessons. You are usually a lively speaker and there are no holds barred when you talk. You do ter words or articulate its sounds with good speech modulation.
You have a good listening skill. You're always attentive to listen in my instruction and my commands in our class. You were able to have such good skills on it and even have a quick mind to grasp the ideas.
You getting better in this part. pronunciation is one of the tough part of English Langauge that requires a deep understanding about the similarities and differences of words and its proper pronunciation. I'm glad you were able to enhance and ameliorate your potential in this area.
Words are part of the skill you have and your doing good in making some unusual words in teh conversations we had. Nevertheless, just be carefull in using the words because of it's independent meanings assiciated to each terms.
You can construct sentences in grammatically correct order and this has been shown through our daily conversation. Sometimes it's not perfect and has some flaws when you express yourself but that is not a big mistakes but an error that occur when you are at the height of expressing yourself and no longer conscious of the right expressions to say.