学习前由于较少开口讲,说起英语来断断续续,不熟练;大体上能表达出自己的想法但是用词很不准确,犹豫时间比较长,如说到“The weather is humid”,她会用“sticky”而不是“humid”。由于词汇量很少,限制了她的英语表达。
经过一段时间学习后,Amanda进步了不少。以前在听力方面有点迟钝,对于很多习语都不能理解,如“once in a blue moon”她也记不起来;但现在外教说她词汇量大了,对许多难的习语也理解得更通透了,用英语跟外教交流也显得比较流畅了。外教表示,Amanda在英语沟通方面还有很大的进步空间,不过从她这之前的进步来看,外教对她很有信心。
想对易说堂其他学员说:Practice makes perfect。
Your improvement is evident. There are just some few things you need to improve on like in using new vocabulary, in delivering your message clearly and in using correct grammar principles. In some other cases, you need to focus more on speaking. Try to elaborate your ideas more and try to find ways how to do it like describing, identifying, analyzing and questioning details of your opinions or ideas. Here are evaluations for last month's performance.
Your speaking is good. You can say well your thoughts and ideas but with minimal lapses. You can improve more by elaborating your thoughts through describing, identifying, analyzing and questioning some of your thoughts. Be natural during conversation and try to organize your thoughts.
In listening, I can say that you must continually work on it. There are some instances that you need to focus on the questions and try to analyze what each questions mean. Aside from this you could also improve your listening by listening to native speakers. Always pat attention to some jargons that they use.
Your pronunciation is always improving. Try to improve more by pronouncing the word as clearly as possible. Enunciate the word with grace and patience. Put stress on words that need to be emphasized. Make a distinction between the sound of Chinese and American.
Your vocabulary needs improvement in such that you need to acquire more vocabularies and try to use them and find its meaning. Vocabulary is necessary for you to speak in a more formal way. This will be useful in school, work and conversation. Try to create sample sentences using each new vocabulary.
In grammar, errors are inevitable but it can be limited to the extent that you can identify it. Try to identify your mistake and correct them as soon as you can. If you need help ask assistance from teacher. Having a good grammar is as good as communicating well to people.