英语单词,回答问题时只用简单的单词而且还要想很久才说得出口;上课时大部分时候是老师讲,她跟着老师说;在一些简单句子上也经常犯错,如“I at home”,“I am go shopping”等。但是Amy学习很勤奋也敢于锻炼,现在虽然词汇量不算很大,但已实现跟外教的无障碍沟通。
外教特别表扬Amy聪明,学得很快,刚跟外教上课时,Amy也不大懂得和外教交流;但是现在外教问问题不需要重复Amy就可以很快给出答案。在词汇方面,Amy的进步是最大的,现在她能很好地拼读如lemonade, airport等相对比较难的词也能很快理解单词意思。
It's time for your monthly report again! This time I want you to know that you have improved a lot. You have more confidence in using the English language. Do not fear to commit mistakes in giving or sharing your ideas and opinions on our topic. When it comes to your listening, you can understand me easily. Though every time I tried to speak fast, you are loosing track, so practice more.
All in all, keep up the good work.
Like what I have said, you have improved a lot in this area. You are now confident in using the language. Though there are times that you hesitate to express yourself, you do not fear to ask questions.
Just try to practice more and Keep it up.
In this area, I could say that there are also some improvements. You can easily understand what I am telling you, though every time I try to speak faster, you are loosing track. Try to practice more by listening to some English CD's or by watching some English animation.
There is no much problem with your pronunciation. You can read most words or vocabulary in our book and what you are saying is quite understandable. However there are times that you are having a hard time reading some words, but that is understandable for a learner like you. So try to practice more by reading some English books.
I could say that you are quite good in this area, you understand and know most words that we are using in our book. Just try to use them in our daily conversation.
There is no much problem in this area. Just to memorize the use of different verb tenses because there are times that you are supposed to tell a story using past tense but you are still using the present time. Try to write some articles or essays on your free time so I can fully check your grammar ability.