在易说堂学习,最重要的就是多说多练,不要害羞( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!认真看老师的评价和指导方法。给自己制定目标,比如今天90分,明天就要100分!关注自己的弱点,主动提高。最后还是要自信(⊙o⊙)哦!!!
You certainly are doing pretty well in my class. You really seem to be a good student. I think you have good grasp of English because you can certainly express yourself in variety of topics that we have discussed. Well done!
You can engage yourself easily in conversations and your expressions are satisfactory.
You can pick-up thoughts very well, even extract discrete ideas from conversations. I think you really are on your way in being a good English speaker since I can tell that you are already thinking in English and not in Chinese.
You always try your best to understand and listen to what I'm saying. But sometimes you have some difficulties pronouncing some new and longer words, however keep trying and as your teacher I will always help in correct your mistakes. Taking time to practice your pronunciation is vital in reaching your goal of improving your communication ability.
You need to continue to push yourself towards learning new words of various topics each day. Make it a habit to find a new word every day. It shouldn't seem like an English lesson. Read books, magazines, poems, plays, stories and more. The more language you're exposed to, the more new words you'll learn. Set aside time each day to sit down with your book. Enjoy yourself!
The majority of your grammar is correct however it's time to start using more complex sentences in your writing and speech. Join sentences appropriately. If you can find the time, try to send any of your written materials to me for review.(email, presentation, reports, etc.) this will allow me to see deeply into grammatical mistakes that you might come across without acknowledging.