
最佳学员比赛考试,英语口语我最棒! 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第43期



老师: Tiny
学习周期: 12个月


Before learning

Pronunciation: I noticed that he always tries his best pronouncing the word but when he can’t really do it he asks for help.

Grammar: Tenses and Subject and Verb Agreement are the subjects that he needed to concentrate on.

Listening: He must do more practice, there are times that he can’t understand some instructions or questions.

Speaking: He is very conversant now but what he needs is consistency.

Vocabulary: I advised him to read more books that can help him because I noticed that there are words that he can’t understand well.

After learning

Pronunciation: He still works hard by doing it on his own and asks for assistance, which is really good.

Grammar: He is more aware now and corrects himself when he got conscious about his mistakes.

Listening: He is now more comfortable asking for repetitions and a very polite kid.

Speaking: He is very conversant and he tries to be consistent. He shares so much in the class, he is really nice to speak with.

Vocabulary: He seemed more interested in the class as we go on each day. He really asked for the new word about the meaning, which is really a nice improvement.




At the very young age, you have the potential to be a good speaker in the future, if you will continue doing well and studying hard. Remember the things that I gave you as an advice and you are doing great in your classes so have more perseverance. And have fun!