要练就一口流利的口语离不开多听多读。既要多听MP3,也要多开口跟着练习。做到脱口而出,工到自然成。祝您成功! Unit 1 Introduction
Good evening, everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Wang Dong. I'm from Guangdong, china. This is my second trip to the United states, and I really enjoy staying here, I am working for a trading company as an assistant manager in the overseas disribution seceion. Thank you.
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People everywhere look back nostalgically to JFK's three years as president of the United States because of his leadership, his accomplishments, and his grace, wit, and charisma. He inspired millions before he was killed by an assassin's bullet in Dallas, Texas. Although not afraid to stand up to the Soviet missile threat in Cuba in 1962, he worked with the Soviet Union to slow down the nuclear arms race. His legacy includes the Alliance for Progress and the Peace Corps.
4. 双语阅读
一颗简单的心A Simple Heart
福楼拜Gustave Flaubert是世界级大师,他是莫泊桑的老师,其名著有《包法利夫人》《圣安东尼的诱惑》等。《一颗简单的心》他最为杰出的短篇。小说以简洁、细腻的笔触,再现了一名女仆平凡而感人的一生,塑造了一个朴实动人的劳动妇女形象,展现了她美好善良的心灵和勇敢机智的品质。
An azure vapour rose into Felicity’s room. She distended her nostrils, scenting it with a mystic sensuality: then she shut her eyes. Her lips smiled. The beats of her heart slowed one by one, more unsteady each time, more gentle like a fountain that is exhausted, like an echo that disappears; and when she breathed her last breath she thought she saw in the heavens as they opened, a gigantic parrot, flying above her head.